Andrew and Pete run an award winning content marketing company called Andrew and Pete, where they help small businesses create share-worthy content that builds brands people love.

Based in the UK, they are also authors of the book The Hippo Campus which teaches small businesses in a step by step way, how to stand out and be remembered in their industry.

They are a regular contributor to Social Media Examiner, have been featured on the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast and will be speaking for the first time at Social Media Marketing World in 2017.

Business Inspiration

How Andrew and Pete found each other and started their business. [5:41]

What do you do when you’re just starting out and don’t know anybody? [6:55]

Business Building Insights

How to make your business remarkable [9:47]

An example of a “stand out” business. Being better versus different. [10:41]

Another example – Cherbys [13:53]

What happens when you aren’t representing yourself authentically [29:20]

What do you do after people join your email list? [33:02]

Content Strategies for Biz Growth

Are you a Content Rich or Content Pure business? [15:49]

What’s the recipe for perfect content? [19:50]

How to make content shareworthy [20:45]

“Please Don’t Tell” – a perfect example of share-ability [22:36]

The Problem Map Strategy [24:16]

Do you know the two types of content and when to use each? [33:40]

Success Trait

Andrew and Pete work so well together because they are both super persistent … in a good way! Also listen to their Schedule for Success strategy [39:12]

Productivity/Lifestyle Tool

Google Drive – Get access to files anywhere through secure cloud storage and file backup for your photos, videos, files and more

Recommended Reading or Listening

The Hippo Campus: A step by step guide to get your business noticed, remembered and talked about with Stand Out Marketing by Andrew and Pete

Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

Contact Links





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