I am so excited to make a very special announcement today. This week is dedicated to honoring all handmade product creators. AND, it leads up to the first-ever, formally registered National Bakers Crafters Makers Day!

That's right, from now and into the future, every January 21 is officially a recognition day for bakers, crafters, and makers.
The Origin of National Bakers Crafters Makers Day
This idea came to me back in November. I thought about how you'd scrambled this past year (if you have a business) to have an online presence if you didn’t already – because that was the primary way you could sell given social distancing.

And as the holidays drew near, I saw you hustling to promote your products, make and fill order after order, and ensure that all the gifts arrived in time (especially given the crazy delivery delays we had).

Even with 2020 being so different, this hustle happens all the time. Because as makers, we give of ourselves, many times to the point of exhaustion (even sacrificing family time), so others can enjoy our top-quality handmade products.

I remember it all too well when I had my gift basket business ...

... the backbreaking labor and last minute orders
... staying up into the wee hours of the morning (my dedicated employees at my side!)

We’d finally make it home and fall into bed, only to get up the next day and do it again!

The life of a maker is exhilarating, rewarding, exhausting, and wonderful - because you’re a giver. And I bet you’re like me and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Celebrating The Beauty You Bring To The World
All of this is what led me to the idea to celebrate the beauty you bring to the world.

And January is a perfect time. It's when there's a little time to rejuvenate and relax – even take some time for yourself for once. If you have a business, orders are back to a manageable flow and you can breathe again.

But seriously - look at what you’ve just done! All the love, talent, spirit, and heart you put into your creations are now out being enjoyed in the world. That’s an amazing thing!
Handmade Products Deserve Recognition
Handmade products go back to the stone ages when people used animal hides to cover and warm themselves. Remember seeing in history books and at museums how they formed tools out of stone and wood? All this for survival.

As the centuries moved on, handmade products were the foundation forming the comfortable life we experience today. Small villages of crafters made garments for warmth, jewelry for adornment, and tools of all kinds to make tasks easier.

They used creativity to make food taste good (and look so appetizing!). They also produced oils and lotions for healing, pottery for cooking, painting, woodworking, needlework, and so many other things!

As our culture has advanced, these activities have remained and continue to be expressions of individuality. Their creation brings us joy and is good for the soul.

So, we should celebrate this history and celebrate you too!

Whether you do this for self-fulfillment, or as a part- or full-time business – I want to recognize you by honoring you on the new National Bakers Crafters Makers Day – January 21.
How To Celebrate
Need some ideas to help you celebrate and lift up your fellow makers?

I am so excited to make a very special announcement today. This week is dedicated to honoring all handmade product creators. AND, it leads up to the first-ever, formally registered National Bakers Crafters Makers Day!

That's right, from now and into the future, every January 21 is officially a recognition day for bakers, crafters, and makers.
The Origin of National Bakers Crafters Makers Day
This idea came to me back in November. I thought about how you'd scrambled this past year (if you have a business) to have an online presence if you didn’t already – because that was the primary way you could sell given social distancing.

And as the holidays drew near, I saw you hustling to promote your products, make and fill order after order, and ensure that all the gifts arrived in time (especially given the crazy delivery delays we had).

Even with 2020 being so different, this hustle happens all the time. Because as makers, we give of ourselves, many times to the point of exhaustion (even sacrificing family time), so others can enjoy our top-quality handmade products.

I remember it all too well when I had my gift basket business ...

... the backbreaking labor and last minute orders
... staying up into the wee hours of the morning (my dedicated employees at my side!)

We’d finally make it home and fall into bed, only to get up the next day and do it again!

The life of a maker is exhilarating, rewarding, exhausting, and wonderful - because you’re a giver. And I bet you’re like me and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Celebrating The Beauty You Bring To The World
All of this is what led me to the idea to celebrate the beauty you bring to the world.

And January is a perfect time. It's when there's a little time to rejuvenate and relax – even take some time for yourself for once. If you have a business, orders are back to a manageable flow and you can breathe again.

But seriously - look at what you’ve just done! All the love, talent, spirit, and heart you put into your creations are now out being enjoyed in the world. That’s an amazing thing!
Handmade Products Deserve Recognition
Handmade products go back to the stone ages when people used animal hides to cover and warm themselves. Remember seeing in history books and at museums how they formed tools out of stone and wood? All this for survival.

As the centuries moved on, handmade products were the foundation forming the comfortable life we experience today. Small villages of crafters made garments for warmth, jewelry for adornment, and tools of all kinds to make tasks easier.

They used creativity to make food taste good (and look so appetizing!). They also produced oils and lotions for healing, pottery for cooking, painting, woodworking, needlework, and so many other things!

As our culture has advanced, these activities have remained and continue to be expressions of individuality. Their creation brings us joy and is good for the soul.

So, we should celebrate this history and celebrate you too!

Whether you do this for self-fulfillment, or as a part- or full-time business – I want to recognize you by honoring you on the new National Bakers Crafters Makers Day – January 21.
How To Celebrate
Need some ideas to help you celebrate and lift up your fellow makers?

Call a friend who makes something handmade as a hobby and tell her how much you like their creations. A compliment goes a long way and warms both your hearts.
Shop handmade when you can. When you have a gift to give, think of friends who are handmade product creators. Purchasing something handmade means it’s one of a kind and will be all the more special for its uniqueness.
Purchase items from small businesses that make their own products. There is a family behind the logo who relies on this income for part or all of their needs.
Support each other. If you’re a maker, support another maker through purchasing their product or just reaching out to tell them they’ve inspired you or motivated you to do something you’ve never thought of before.
Highlight each other. If you’re part of a group, like a quilting guild, do something special to highlight each other. Or start a special charity project offered on behalf of your organization to pay it forward.
Learn about handmade creations. If you’re a teacher, dedicate an art session to learning and understanding the role handmade creations play in our history and lives today.
Celebrate yourself. As a handmade maker, do something special for yourself. Maybe actually USE your product that you work so hard for others to enjoy.

What other ways can you think of to celebrate? Share your ideas in the comments below!
Celebrate With Us In The Gift Biz Breeze
The first National Bakers Crafters Makers Day will be celebrated in a very special way this year inside my Facebook Group – Gift Biz Breeze.

Please join us if you aren’t a member already! It’s 100% free. Just go to GiftBizUnwrapped.com/GiftBizBreeze to sign up.

It’s a positive, upbeat, and active community of handmade makers – including handmade product business owners as well as hobbyists thinking of starting a business around their craft.
What's In Store For The Day?
Inside the group, you’ll find all the information about what's in store for the day, including ...

a Live Party from 11:30-12:30 CST on January 21 (don’t worry if you don’t make it, there will be a replay of the party)
Prizes and gifts being won all day long - including books, handmade products, business building courses, and coaching sessions. All for you to win and celebrate you as a handmade creator!

I truly hope you will join me in celebrating YOU this week and specifically on National Bakers Crafters Makers Day. Please share this with your friends, too!
Proudly Display Your Maker Badge
Visit GiftBizUnwrapped.com/NationalDay to find: 

all the information about National Bakers Crafters Makers Day
FREE social media badges you can download to highlight yourself and spread the word. Use them as is or add them to posts you create that include products. (Isn’t it nice to have new ideas for social media posts? Here you go!)

Don't forget to post how you'll celebrate the day. When you do - tag me on Instagram @giftbizunwrapped and use the hashtag #nationalbakerscraftersmakersday. I'll share your post, too. A fabulous way to spread the word and pay it forward!
TLDR Action Items
There's a lot of info on this page, so here's a quick summary to make it easy:

Join Gift Biz Breeze (if you’re not a member already) to register to win prizes and be part of our live party
Get & Share Your Maker Badge. Go to GiftBizUnwrapped.com/NationalDay to download a Maker Badge (or badges - there are 5 to choose from) and post on social. Tag me at @giftbizunwrapped so I can share it further to get more eyes on you!

Making a product comes from the soul. It involves reflection, passion and skill. And the final result provides happiness for both the creator – being you - and the recipient. This is something our world needs and continually seeks.
January 21 – National Bakers Crafters Makers Day – A day in honor of and celebrating YOU!
National Bakers Crafters Makers Day Links
Website | Join GiftBizBreeze Group | Gift Biz Unwrapped Instagram

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Thank you so much! Sue

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