What does it really take to sell on Etsy?

Nancy works with Etsy Sellers who want to build a thriving Etsy business and embrace the entrepreneurial adventure. She also helps current Etsy Sellers scale their business by leveraging the power of branding and social media.

Do you currently struggle with sales or have a hard time finding your target audience? Are you passionate about your handmade products but don’t have a growth strategy in place for your Etsy?

Or maybe you’re right at the beginning trying to decide if Esty is right for you at all. We're diving into all this today on the show.

This is Part 5 of my 6-Part Series covering your top sales platform options. 

Catch up on this series here:

Part 1: Why eBay
Part 2: Selling on Amazon Handmade
Part 3: Build the Perfect Shopify Website
Part 4: Introducing Facebook Shops
Part 5: Everything You Need To Know To Sell On Etsy <– YOU ARE HERE
Part 6: Confused About Google My Business?


Build strong branding to stand out from your competitors and get traffic.
Make sure that people recognize you as a brand so if people see your post separately, they know it’s from your store.
Think outside Etsy - leverage email marketing and social media (most shops don't collect emails!) to get repeat customers and drive traffic.
Everything works together to reach people: quality photos, good product description, and SEO.
Providing valuable content around what you sell on Etsy is the quickest way to grow your brand and drive more traffic using the power of google (aka SEO).
Listen to the full episode for a ton more biz building tips!

How To (And Why) Sell On Etsy:

Etsy offers a more unique, personal experience for both seller and buyer.
Sell on Etsy and build your brand there first, then extend into the other platforms to develop multiple streams of income.
Create a memorable shop to build your brand + stand out in a saturated market with...

What does it really take to sell on Etsy?

Nancy works with Etsy Sellers who want to build a thriving Etsy business and embrace the entrepreneurial adventure. She also helps current Etsy Sellers scale their business by leveraging the power of branding and social media.

Do you currently struggle with sales or have a hard time finding your target audience? Are you passionate about your handmade products but don’t have a growth strategy in place for your Etsy?

Or maybe you’re right at the beginning trying to decide if Esty is right for you at all. We're diving into all this today on the show.

This is Part 5 of my 6-Part Series covering your top sales platform options. 

Catch up on this series here:

Part 1: Why eBay
Part 2: Selling on Amazon Handmade
Part 3: Build the Perfect Shopify Website
Part 4: Introducing Facebook Shops
Part 5: Everything You Need To Know To Sell On Etsy <– YOU ARE HERE
Part 6: Confused About Google My Business?


Build strong branding to stand out from your competitors and get traffic.
Make sure that people recognize you as a brand so if people see your post separately, they know it’s from your store.
Think outside Etsy - leverage email marketing and social media (most shops don't collect emails!) to get repeat customers and drive traffic.
Everything works together to reach people: quality photos, good product description, and SEO.
Providing valuable content around what you sell on Etsy is the quickest way to grow your brand and drive more traffic using the power of google (aka SEO).
Listen to the full episode for a ton more biz building tips!

How To (And Why) Sell On Etsy:

Etsy offers a more unique, personal experience for both seller and buyer.
Sell on Etsy and build your brand there first, then extend into the other platforms to develop multiple streams of income.
Create a memorable shop to build your brand + stand out in a saturated market with many stores selling similar products.
Build out your shop and branding completely to make it clear you are in business.
Develop a clear, targeted niche so you don’t confuse your target audience (if you sell to everyone, you sell to no one) and keep yourself focused.
No matter what you make, can you create an associated digital product? Etsy allows digital products as well and it's a great way to increase your income.
Use the official Etsy Seller's Handbook - it's packed with helpful tips and information.
Listen to the full episode to get all of Nancy's amazing Etsy tips!

Resources Mentioned:

Etsy Seller Handbook
Etsy Seller App (different than buyer app)
Integrations for Etsy
Setting up Google Analytics for your Etsy Shop
Art Printables Etsy Course  ($200 off using coupon code: GIFTBIZ)

Nancy's Contact Links:
WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedin | Etsy Sellers Support Group

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Become a Member of Gift Biz Breeze

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Thank you so much! Sue


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