Viveka von Rosen is Cofounder of Vengreso, the largest provider of full spectrum digital sales transformation solutions.

Known as the @LinkedInExpert, she’s also the author of the best-selling book, LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day and LinkedIn: 101 Ways to Rock Your Personal Brand!

She is a regular contributor to Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Selling Power and the Social Media Examiner.
The Start of Vengreso
A group of LinkedIn experts and social selling experts thought about creating an online membership community to teach and train. But no one wanted to step up and take the lead. In the desire to come together as opposed to work against, five competitors (including Viveka) decided to start a social selling company, now known as Vengreso.

Digital sales transformation is about the entire ecosphere of digital sales, strategies and marketing. Having these partners has made it easier for Viveka to provide a true value proposition as opposed to just competing and coming down to price.
Business Building Insights

If you use social media platforms the right way, it will be easier for you to warm up relationships, stay top of mind and position yourself as an expert and trusted advisor within your industry.
It’s about mindset, skill set and tool set and aligning them with sales and marketing.
Your LinkedIn profile needs to be your personal brand.
Your LinkedIn profile is there to let your prospects know what you can do for them.
Switch your LinkedIn profile from a resume to a resource.
Create a helpful and useful customer focused profile that increases positive sentiments.
Concentrate on what makes you different from everybody else and most importantly what that does for your customer.
Add resources to your profile. Upload media, testimonials, product demonstrations or an interview.
Never use a LinkedIn invitation as a sales pitch.
Share content once a day or a couple times a week to show people you’re engaged and active on LinkedIn.

Resources Mentioned
The New Look of LinkedIn
Contact Links




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