Viveka von Rosen is known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert” and is author of the best selling book, “LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day”.

Viveka is the CEO of Linked Into Business where she takes the social media marketing knowledge she has developed and perfected over the years and transforms it into engaging and informational training. Her sessions provide not only valuable information, but actionable tips to get you and your team up and running quickly and effectively.

To date she estimates she’s trained well over 100,000 people and has personally worked with executives and sales teams at Oracle, The New York Times and Western Union to name a few in her Fortune 500 portfolio.

She is also a contributing expert to LinkedIn’s official blog and their Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide.

Perhaps you are already one of her 32K LinkedIn contacts or 82K Twitter followers.
Business Inspiration
How and why Viveka chose LinkedIn as her area of expertise. [6:28]

LinkedIn training as her career began. [9:45]
LinkedIn Specifics
LinkedIn Communities and Groups [20:56]

3 Steps to getting started [24:57]

Why the Summary Section is so important [28:20]

Endorsement Section warning and direction [31:06]

Further learning tools from Viveka [35:00]
Business Building Insights
Viveka’s suggestion of our best sales platform for this community. It’s surprising! [14:01]

Where LinkedIn fits in. [14:32]

The secret to growing and how not to get stalled. [14:50]

COI warning! [33:29]
Success Trait
Viveka is a life long learner. [37:48]
Productivity/Lifestyle Tool
AgoraPulse – Manage all social media messages in one place. Schedule and publish content. Get stunning reports.

Calendly – Say goodbye to phone and email tag for finding the perfect meeting time.
Valuable Book
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg

Go-Givers Sell More by Bob Burg

Contact Links





LinkedIn Training
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