[Notice & Disclosure: Not word-for-word AI Transcribed, but rather an unedited and unrevised Text version provided for key term searches and general outline, audio should be consulted for exact contexts.]

Week 8, Part 1

Civil Rights - Systematic Voter Fraud - Presidential Election 2020 - The Machines and the Methods. 

Studio Guest - John Mountz, iHeart Special Co-Host

Week 8, Part 2

Legal Docket Report - Mass Incarceration is Modern Slavery - DOJ rightly sues Alabama over prison conditions. 

Studio Guest - John Mountz

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Trenton Garmon 0:00
If your loved one has been the victim of police brutality, contact our firm Garmin and Associates 855 99 Trent, you or your loved one may be entitled to compensation to a federal civil rights case. So again, if you are loved them have been injured as a result of police brutality, contact us Garmin and Associates 855 99 Trent legal services to be performed case where the court of legal services before my call today.

Welcome, welcome. Welcome to Trenton, Garmin live. This is a segment that I think is going to bless we the people here on iheart radio we're calling freedom of assembly. I title of course, is just drawn from principles that our nation was founded upon, which we believe are being significantly trampled on at this point in time. So it's important talk about what our founding documents say, what are we entitled to as people have a republic. And to do that I've got on the show this beautiful, beautiful day, John Mountz who's become a friend of mine, and is a very gifted and verse man. JOHN, welcome, welcome. Welcome to the show.

John Mountz 1:34
Thanks, friend. Thanks for having me.

Trenton Garmon 1:35
Let's just launch right in, I want to read the first amendment. And we can talk about some of the new releases that have been put out by the administration and NPR and The Washington Post, and CNN reports about something that is significant, that I don't think we're hearing a lot of chatter about the fact that for a presidential inauguration, the number one place intended by our great Republic, for the freedom of assembly being the National Mall was closed. That to me, is just absolutely mind boggling that we the people are not allowed to peacefully assemble. And it's just presumed because of the great show to not the cause for concern. But our First Amendment very clearly lays out, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of the press or speech and the right of the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government for redress. So Gentlemen, I bring that up, just as a topic from the beautiful, beautiful founding documents that we have as arguably the most prosperous nation. I mean, there's some things we could talk through that may have other economists be honored to say, yeah, these other countries may be less prosperous or more so but we're clearly a great nation. And we have a greatest military, which was used that the direction of obviously gets the Trump administration and then the Biden ministration. So we hope, you know, I don't know if Trump agreed to have a national law clothes or not. But, john, what are your thoughts after hearing that first amendment language, read the right people to peacefully assemble is something that Congress shall make no law. And there should be no branch of government that impairs that right of way that people? What do you think about that when cnn puts out the national malls close through the inauguration? This was put out, way back January the 15th. Not too far back with about a week plus ago. So what are your thoughts with that? And and as a member of way, the people, does that cause you concern?

John Mountz 4:09
Well, Trenton it definitely does. But I look at it a little differently, because I don't see it as a constitutional issue per se, because the first words in there a Congress shall make no law. So it wasn't a congressional thing. My understanding was it was the Capitol Police that closed the mall. And it's not unusual for the Capitol Police to close the mall for any number of things. But it is a very disappointing time in our country's history that we can't gather to see the inauguration. Should you want to go see the inauguration of the President also in there in the First Amendment keeping with the spirit. There's the part about not abridging the people's ability to peaceably, you know, assembled for aggressive grievances. So, the people weren't able to protest. And if you look back look at what happened say just four years prior at Donald Trump's inauguration, people protested. People have been protesting the inauguration of the president Every time there's been an inauguration, so I have a real problem with them coming out and saying that the Capitol Police saying we're not going to allow this. And it was based on suspicion of what because I don't nothing materialized, and I don't think anything was going to

Trenton Garmon 5:14
materialize. So you think it's not a good site execution by the executive branch of what's the intent of the Constitution? And so you'd say you think there's an impairment of the way the people's right so simple there, is that right?

John Mountz 5:27
Absolutely. I think that and the thing is, I spent a long time I lived for about five years in Washington, DC, I spent a lot of time there, you know, running around playing on the Mall. And I've been since as an adult, and more and more they made it to where you can't hardly go on the mall for anything. They put up chains and stuff, and they don't hardly let you on the mall at all. And you know, if you think about it, it's our dollars, our tax dollars paying for all of that, at very least the upkeep. But really the whole of Washington DC, you think we could go if the Smithsonian is open for free, and for people to walk around for free? Let us walk around the mall, you know, if they sworn in, keep the president safe. And let us come to the mall and see if we should so desire to do it like every other administration.

Trenton Garmon 6:11
So we've had a major transfer of power here, obviously the office of the president, he is the commander in chief commands of the greatest military on the face of the planet. And we've had at each one of the state capitals indisputable, and we're violating the principle of the First Amendment, the freedom of assembly to peacefully assemble. We've had every state capitol for the day of the inauguration, have shut down the public grounds. And of course, here the National Mall zoo, the conversation topic today. And order, which is considered to be an executive order by the DC police understand it's the District of Columbia police department, but they're still part of the executive branch. We I guess we're coming to the conclusion that both you and I will leave collectively here is to have we the people that there was a bad sight infringement by the Washington DC police department and shut down those grounds in it, in my mind shows you that obviously, the higher echelon executives within the executive branch, if you will, they did disagree. You know, you didn't see anything come out that the senator took that perspective and has said are pure right to freely assemble has been impaired. I didn't see not one article. I'm sure there are people that made this spoke out against it. So that to me is a major concern. And I do think that the shift in how the presidency came as far as certification Abaddon, to the point of being considered legitimate is still a concern for way to people. I don't anticipate any kind of subsequent actions being filed. But john, do you know of any of the cases that Trump's legal team filed that had any actual discovery? Because the 75 million people that voted for Trump and wanted him to be in office? were the ones that were more likely than not? Won't the gather, right, and we had the right to January 7, which springs up other areas of law? And, you know, question as to should the President be impeached for using the term wild said it's gonna be wild, but there was really nothing that he said that could be interpreted, I don't think in good faith to encourage violence. So what are your thoughts with it, john, we transfer from we've got an ultra conservative with a Gar Salas, President, we have now an ultra liberal, unfortunately, he's Catholic, which is not an unfortunate thing. I'm Catholic, but he's claiming to have the Catholic Church's backing and yet he is adverse to the very thing that the fabric of Catholicism, I think is a pro life agenda. And he is most definitely opposed to any pro opposition's and ism as part of this transfer of power. Not only assume the nation's greatest military, but I think he's assuming the nation's greatest, unfortunately, genocide machine, which is the leadership of and funding of groups like Planned Parenthood, given them the thumbs up or thumbs down, he's not going to be on their board and not having contact with them directly to make decisions. But am I wrong to say that we have a president now after this kind of transfer of power still in dispute, that you think is going to stand against the funding of abortion, john, or what's your perspective with our president, we the taxpayers who did not have the right to assemble, who in all 50 states were told not to go to the Capitol, who were told Don't worry about this transfer of power and the election certification, even though there's been no legal discovery done. There has not been any examination of the evidence by someone that does not work for the government right to get the secretary of state that are certified on it, but you haven't had any way that people private independent file suit must conduct discovery. Let's take these machines. I'm a software expert engineer, look at that. So this transfer of power now involves the handing over of the keys or the purse strings, if you will, to the Department of Treasury and to the funding of what's the genocide, I mean, we don't want to talk about this issue many times. But America has blood in its soil, the blood of 60 months, 60 million plus babies. And here we see what I think to be major areas of constitutional concern. And I wouldn't feel any way ashamed to jump up and argue and say that we don't really even have a fully functioning country right now. So that kind of malformed transfer of power, and a freedom of assembly shut down DC police spot on with it, or the executive branch and paired that right. No one from the actual federal executive branch did anything to allow for the National Mall and these other public grounds to be accessed for the purpose of We the People demonstrating there was a question as to whether it was really a winning proper certification for Biden. What are your thoughts with his changes on the pro life? Do you think we're gonna see a continued Biden perspective as he's had in the past? And you know, we've got about a minute or two here, or do you think that we see any hope of, of change from what I understand executive orders he's already issued are going to be forcing us to pay for abortion. So we'll talk more about that. And we'll get back to here the user can chime in. So we're going to pad out to a commercial thank y'all for joining us. This is Trenton Gorham with Trenton, Garmin live. In segment two, we'll be talking a little bit more about the inauguration, freedom of assembly and your constitutional rights. This is Trenton Garmin I Heart Radio bringing to your civil rights news and legal document reports.

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Welcome, welcome. Welcome back to Trenton Gorman, laughter on our heart radio. We thank you for joining us for part two of our segment on freedom of assembly, the freedom of assembly that we the people have the right to expect of our government and the most recent concerns with the most powerful nation on the planet and the chair the seat, if you will, as commander in chief, I haven't been transferred with all the questions about the election. And I know, well, big media doesn't like the fact that we the people still challenge the big government, liberal elites if you will. But the reality is, the voices of the people through their bodily presence bringing their corpus to the National Mall and to the state capitals was denied by the DC police operating at the approval. Clearly de facto approval of the executive branch. I'm kind of surprised that Trump didn't make much of an issue of it before he left office but at the same time, it shows you how far we've gone from natural law and neighborly love and that's intent of our show is to inform way the people and courses as well as an attorney if you need help with a civil rights action or if you're facing some type of hospital lane something related to treatment. Garmin and Associates is a civil rights and injury firm and we would be honored to help you. You can contact us at 855 99 Trent that's 855 99 Trent call today. JOHN, thank you for joining me again here for part two, as we talked about this freedom of assembly, we kind of ended up switching back to the transition of power and what you're seeing as far as a major difference in philosophy. And Trump was gathering 1000s upon 1000s of people. And I did not do not necessarily support drop on the libertarian. But point is, we did see a major shift and I see corn unnatural, awesome things of concern. You and I both share that we think it's unconstitutional for I believe the National Mall to be close, then we kind of got into pro life issues and the, I believe, Mark, on our nation that we have turned from the founding principles when we were allowing infanticide. President, as he sits now, Joseph Biden is for partial birth abortion. So I know that that's a touchy topic for a lot of people. But we see some executive orders already been issued. And I think there's more to come where we the people will be funding, there will be taxpayer funded procedures, and it's going to be forcing nurses and medical professionals into a position where they have to make a decision as to whether they're going to lose her job, for not cooperating with an abortion to be some own spot procedures that have to be done. So john, is that concern? You? I mean, we see both sides, I will have to back up Biden with regards to immigration. I think he fully understands that that is a federal issue and that our founders by no means intended to make it legalistic and impossible, pragmatically speaking for people to come into the country. But what are your thoughts not just on the freedom of assembly, but what this administration is probably going to, to be taken posture wise with regards to life in the womb,

John Mountz 17:00
print and there's a guy you probably heard of him Saul Alinsky. And he wrote this book called Rules for Radicals. And one of the Rules for Radicals was to never let a crisis go to waste. And I think it's very interesting. We can say whether or not that the riots on Capitol Hill if they were organic in nature, or if they were somewhat planned, but regardless, it created a crisis. And the crisis was, you know, the situation Oh, my gosh, the nation's capital is under siege. And so I think immediately some on the left with an agenda said this, we will seize this, and we will use it to forward the agenda. So the agenda became to paint a picture. And the picture became, oh, okay, the capital is under siege. It's like a third world country, because of the President. That's the picture. They wanted to paint. So they wanted to make it a peaceful transition of power. Right. And so they wanted to make this statement that, look how bad the situation the nation is in it's all Donald Trump's fault. And so we have to make take all these extreme measures, you look at all these troops that they that they brought in there.

Trenton Garmon 18:05
Anybody stir something up? I think Donald Trump was probably top of the list. But yeah, for sure, there was a crisis and there was a seizing of the of the moment of the opportunities by the Democratic Party to make it look like a peaceful transfer without any infringements that were undo or not able to be justified. So yeah, I agree, man, keep on tell me what you think was solinsky. So you're saying they're executing on this playbook, the elite radical left, and there's good people I grew up, yell about Democrat, have voted Republican and I'm a libertarian. But this two party system is something of major concern. I think, and I do believe that we have probably, we're at a state in time where this is kind of the de facto martial law, or you might want to call it a third world war that's not been declared. It's got to be more than a pandemic, when that level of encroachment is just adopted, and not considered to be something that is worth public outcry. And then when the public outcry does occur, that is worth taking even more not to because it's being suppressed. It's a form of gerrymandering, if you will, where we the people cannot go to the National Mall in these other places and has to fund abortion and have to have our rights be strictly scrutinized continuously. overreaching and overstaffed police force, I see so many things with concern that just really jumped out at me. To your point with the with the Rules for Radicals because I think people could say, john, both I think they could say that the radical right does the same thing. Did Did you think that the intent of those who were assembling was really to take over take hostage some of the people that were all All makers and leaders that they believe had infringe on the rights because without naming names, there were service members that were in a form of a uniform that were there. And how do you deal with those people if they really had a defense, which they could, in good faith that they believed that the country was under siege, and they were being obedient to their executive commanding officer, and of some of these prior military people? What are your thoughts on that? I mean, are we? Are we seeing the peaceful assembly be disrupted by the plan of one side or the other? Or you brought up the word organic? Or was all that just organic? Tell me what you think?

John Mountz 20:43
I don't I think we're, the mistake is treating the writers as if they were a monolith as if they were all the same, because they weren't. You had several factions at a you know, at work there, you had the large, the vast majority of people who were Trump supporters who went there, because we're going to go to the mall, and we're going to show up and show how much we support our president. And that was pretty much full assembly, peaceful assembly, and those were for sure, most weapons, and most of those people were there to peacefully assemble like you saw those people. If you watch any the video where they just think they walked in, they shouldn't have been in the Capitol, but they just walked through, they didn't disturb anything. They just walked through and walked on through and walk back out again, like they were on, you know, touring. But then there were other people, the guy, you know, you saw the guy with the gigantic horns on his head and the paint all over himself. Now, it's been proven that he was from some radical, crazy, extremist, wacko group. I don't know what his intent was even like the guys that showed up with the with the wristband things I don't know what their intent was, if they actually thought they were going to get away with it. But clearly, they weren't going to actually take control of the Congress, no matter what their idea was, there was that was gonna get shut down. And the majority of people who were there meant nothing meant no disrespect, meant nothing was going to happen. There was a very tiny, and then there was even another tiny fraction of people, people from outside groups who wanted to make it look as bad as possible. We are talking about people from groups like an Tifa, you're gonna find I believe it will come out the other groups were their prime artists, exactly. Like how is it that they tried to make this thing look just like the riots in Minneapolis, just like the riots in Kenosha, it's like the same people showed up. The lawmakers can address it if they really want to see America restored to a representative nation, these

Trenton Garmon 22:28
PACs are the problem. As far as how the radical political frame artists get their funding, they literally push hundreds of 1000s even millions of dollars through these PACs, and then days leading up to elections and days leading up to events like this, or top of election based folks get sent out. This is not like speculation. This is something that FBI CIA, if anybody has studied from the intelligence agency, how these PACs and some of the radical people work. That's how that that funding occurs. And it is true, I think we've seen it over. I think there's a major overcorrection that we the people need to be mindful of as we see a bad administration and have four years of a radical agenda. And I'm sorry, I consider Joe Biden to be even more radical than what some people would have considered Trump to be, in large part because he's almost like a political schizophrenic. I mean, the guy is a Catholic cradle Catholic, but you look at his agendas. We have had a man who dresses up like a woman that just happens to be brilliant. I mean, yeah, the Assistant health secretaries, is a position that is not of eminent importance and primary importance, but it's certainly an important one. So we see the transgender agenda already pushed by the by the administration. So yeah, john, I think here, you know, with the peaceful assembly, I think you're right and radical agendas and how to not allow crisis to be wasted is what they seized on. And I believe that we're only seeing the beginning of some of the moves that are going to be made, taking advantage of the pandemic, which is a whole different topic and discussion point. Again, this is transam Garmin with our heart radio, if you have a civil rights issue related to police brutality, or if a family member of yours or a loved one has been discriminated against in employment, any type of civil rights infringement, we would be honored to help you with that. I'm with Gorman and Associates were civil rights and injury firm. You can contact us at 855 99 Trent 855 99 Trent, thank you all for joining us. We'll be back next week. Thank you, john, for joining me, boss.

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