In this episode, Trenton Garmon interviews Dr. Francis Koe about the COVID-19 Vaccine.


Trenton Garmon 0:17
Welcome one Welcome all to I Heart Radio. This is attorney Trenton, Garmin. We've got a two part show for you today talking about the COVID vaccine with Dr. Francis Co. She's a medical doctor in Alabama, who I guess has a general practice from maybe a natural medicine perspective as much as anything while embracing the pharmaceutical side of things. And she's going to share with us her perspective on vaccine pushes and the safety tests that we've got. And, of course, we're gonna be talking through civil rights news and legal docket reports as well. Dr. Koe, welcome to the show. Thank you for spending time with us and joining us today. Thank you. And so as I understand that you have a general practice in Alabama, and I guess vaccines are something that any general practitioner has administered within their offices, you know, tell us what your practice is composed of the areas of medicine that you practice, primarily. And then we'll get into some of the known and the unknowns about COVID. And the vaccines that are being pushed today.

Dr. Francis Koe 1:22
So I have a family medicine practice. I did my residency, medical school and residency in Alabama. And so I practice in northeast Alabama, in a very small town of about 900 people. So I'm the only physician in the area in my town. And I have some nurse practitioners working with me and we see newborns all the way to death. I do home visits, nursing home care, clinic care. And then we also have what we call a direct primary care clinic means yes, people just pay $50 a month and they don't have to use their insurance or if they don't have insurance, they can get some family care at $50 a month. Is there a name for that program you have there with your practice? Well, the name of my clinic is the so I have wills Valley family medicine, which is my regular insurance clinic that we have had for 13 years at since residency. And then we have Valley care DPC. And we're in the same complex, you know, we have a just a little small office there. And so both clinics are basically in the same office. Well, you're perfect for this part of the show. Because I believe that having someone look at it from a general practitioner perspective is Uber important because you're taking into consideration all the different types of ailments and issues that people have and come to you with a plan a generalized knowledge. And then of course, specialty knowledge as well. Do you vaccinate in your practice?

We used to, and for Medicaid for Medicaid children. That it was it was hard to do, because we didn't see enough to keep enough vaccine in the clinic. And so we just decided to stop several years ago, we do have some vaccines like t tap tetanus, and so we give those and tetanus shots. And we do do flu vaccines. So and we do write scripts for people who want to do pneumonia vaccines, but we also write scripts for people who want to do shingles vaccine.

Trenton Garmon 3:37
Well, we're in a crucial time, of course, in national medicine, and a lot of people want to know and I think there are some unknowns that we just have to be at peace about there's always going to be mysteries each year, there seems to be different strands that come out that evade the effectiveness if vaccines are truly overall safe and effective. So for those minds, those people that are not doctors and are curious, what what is your opinion with the new variant that's out and the two main vaccines that have been pushed in America right now? Do you think that it is safe and effective? Do you think that there are alternative methods that can be equally effective? Because I've seen where a lot of the medical community that then towards natural medicine are pushing a for vitamin solution, vitamin D, vitamin C and some some others? What are your thoughts with the two that we have out now? And what would you recommend the caller the the general audience as far as their personal choice and maybe meet with their physician and making an actual informed decision?

Dr. Francis Koe 4:38
Yes, and I want to reiterate that you are talking about COVID vaccines, correct. So So there's two vaccines, Pfizer, biome, biotech and mount Madonna. So and they're both want. The Pfizer vaccine is purported to be 95% effective and the Madonna is 94% 10 effective. So we're very, very close.

Trenton Garmon 5:01
What does that mean from a medical doctor top perspective compared to a consumer because as a product liability attorney, we do civil rights and products work. And we sued several manufacturers product device manufacturers and found that in other studies oftentimes are misleading. What is 94% effective mean? Does it mean that they detect antibodies and 94% of the people? Does it mean that you have a 94% chance of not having COVID at a subsequent time once you're vaccinated? or What does that truly mean?

Dr. Francis Koe 5:33
So it's not real clear in the literature that, you know, they give us exactly what that does mean. So. So basically, when you get a vaccine, it does not mean you will not get the disease. It reduces your risk significantly. And

Trenton Garmon 5:55
because your body if you're exposed to it has the amount of antibodies that would then fight off a true infection, or what is the

Dr. Francis Koe 6:04
Yeah. That's what they're looking at. And it takes anywhere from 14 days to three weeks or longer, and you're in one of the vaccines, you get two shots, two injections, and the other you get both of them, you actually get two injections, one is three weeks apart, and one is four weeks apart. You do not have immunity. When you first get the injection, it takes at least three weeks to show some immunity. I'm not sure if that's exact in both in both vaccines.

Trenton Garmon 6:36
And I know that's a recent concern. There was a report by NBC that a nurse had tested positive for COVID-19 despite a recent vaccination, which I think those who were pro Vax and pro big pharma were kind of shocked by says,

Dr. Francis Koe 6:49
Well, she, she got that she was tested positive for that COVID in less than seven days.

Trenton Garmon 6:54
So she needs the vaccine. Are you thinking she could have had it in advance?

Dr. Francis Koe 7:00
She could have had it in advance.

Trenton Garmon 7:01

Dr. Francis Koe 7:02
so they've not had anybody who got COVID from the vaccine

Trenton Garmon 7:07
which is odd, because they put out that the first dose we think gives you somewhere in this was the to dose version, which I guess is that Madeira's version?

Dr. Francis Koe 7:17
They're both two dose.

Trenton Garmon 7:18
Okay, so the first dose puts you around 50% in the second dose will get you at about 95%. This is an article about

Dr. Francis Koe 7:24

Trenton Garmon 7:25
See, so what you're bringing up is, the safe and effective numbers were given are presuming a time period, I guess. So. a month long time period or something about that time period? Time Line wise.

Dr. Francis Koe 7:39
Yes. And and that may not be an every person. So everybody's gonna be an individual. And, you know, so the problem is we had to put these vaccines out quickly, you know, they brought them out quickly, they don't even aren't even sure how long the vaccines are last. They may last 90 days, they may last six months, they may last a year. And then they may not last, you know, we don't even know

Trenton Garmon 8:02
so 94% effective right at not contracting COVID because your body builds up immunity from that. But we don't know if that immunity last 90 days or last year. And we know that there's other strands that come out, I guess I'm just begging the question, because I'm not an anti vaxxer. But I certainly from seeing products liability work. And having the litigation door closed because of how operation warp speed work. I have got serious concerns about each one of these vaccines that have been rolled out. So what you're bringing up is, is not just hey, here's a firm number 94% effective, but you're saying you have to take into consideration each individual patient time period for the vaccines or two dose exposure or two dose administration of the vaccine. And then what else would someone take into consideration when they're making that decision? Are there two or three for a spot on conditions that you say hey, if your grandfather has this or your mother has this, she probably would more likely than not want to take the vaccine or what what's your general advice with regards to specific conditions?

Dr. Francis Koe 9:08
So I basically, anybody with CO morbid conditions, things like diabetes, hypertension, and some of those conditions that make you a greater higher risk. They would more than likely benefit from the vaccine more so possibly than somebody that has no comorbid conditions.

Trenton Garmon 9:28
Just curious, what percent of the population would you put that at comorbid conditions, these people are more likely to not benefit from the vaccine is that 20% of the general population or?

Dr. Francis Koe 9:38
I'm not saying they wouldn't benefit from the vaccine. I'm saying those who have those comorbid conditions would need the vaccine more than somebody who didn't have those

Trenton Garmon 9:49
make sense Sure,

Dr. Francis Koe 9:50
would need it more quickly. And that's why they have you know, the list of folks who are getting at first but based on their age, you know people at different ages. and so forth. So, you know, it becomes really complicated. But when they do when they say it, so this is my my take on it instead of, I mean, we can look these things up, we can get all this information from the CDC website, anybody can go and look and find out how they work, what's in each vaccine. They don't contain egg preservatives, or latex. We can find all those things out. But it's whether what I do and I choose to do in my clinic is it tell people this is your choice? You know, I can advise, but it's your choice. I don't tell people to take it. And I don't don't tell people not to if they're nervous and afraid. And I say, Well, if you feel that you would not like to get this illness in the next three to six months, then it would benefit you to take the vaccine if you've got some if you're older and you get comorbid conditions.

Trenton Garmon 11:00
Understand, do you feel like there's adequate information that's credible to provide informed consent? At this point, it doesn't sound like you're vaccinating people. But that's a concern of mine is doctors have a duty and I don't know that we can actually say they can fulfill that duty with the conflicting information we get and also the limited time that we've had available to study the disease and study the response of the people that have been backed in as part of the studies. We'll talk more in part two, we're going to go on through the FDA's recent announcement. And some articles. Thank you for joining Dr. Koe. This is Trenton Garmon iHeart Radio with Gfile news, your legal docket report and civil rights news source. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back with part two in just a moment.

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Welcome one. Welcome to part two. This attorney Trenton Garmin on I Heart Radio with your G file news bringing to you your relevant civil rights news. And legal docket reports we get four segment to the show Dr. co on with us medical doctor who learned over the break there had actually tested positive for COVID. At some point in time, Dr. Koe, thank you for joining us. Tell us a little bit about your positive test for COVID. And were you symptomatic? And what is your recommendation for those who test positive.

Dr. Francis Koe 13:11
So this was a really confusing thing that happened in our clinic. And it happened to more than just my family or my husband and I also happened to another one or two families. We I was tested in early October and I was asymptomatic. I tested positive. And then subsequently in the same week I had four negative tests, but they were different types of tests. And then two weeks later, I tested positive again, and was still asymptomatic. And that was all in October.

Trenton Garmon 13:39
So one test positive October for negatives and then another test positive and you're asymptomatic the whole time.

Dr. Francis Koe 13:47

Trenton Garmon 13:47
And your medical doctor, this is not just you know, somebody bootlegging. COVID tests off Amazon.

Dr. Francis Koe 13:53
No, absolutely. And then the next problem came in November. We had some folks in our clinics who became positive. We all ate together. We didn't know she was positive until the day after and six others became positive, including me again.

Trenton Garmon 14:10
So not only the vaccines issue about their safety and effectiveness, we're talking about the test. I mean, you're

Dr. Francis Koe 14:15

Trenton Garmon 14:16
you're looking at 306 FDA announced this past week for our admin docket the approval of now 306 COVID test from the ones that that you took, what's your so many it doesn't necessarily matter to wade through that. But were these all immediate within an hour based on blood? Or were they were they swab test on your nose? Or how did that?

Dr. Francis Koe 14:37
Yeah. So I had two swabs and I had one antibody test. And it may have been too early. And then I also had an instant test that we were trying and and it was the PCR test.

Trenton Garmon 14:54
Did you ever show any of the symptoms?

Dr. Francis Koe 14:57
No, not in the first month. You know, we know October when I first tested and six weeks later, after the very first positive, I tested positive again, but this time I had symptoms. And I was definitely sick.

Trenton Garmon 15:10
Okay, and you were sharing with me something that you took, I guess it was Iver-- medicine. Okay, and tell the audit so bit about that.

Dr. Francis Koe 15:21
Yeah. So we had looked at some random controlled trials on ivermectin. And so I said, you know, I'm going to try this on myself, because I had about four or five days where I felt horrible.

Trenton Garmon 15:36
I didn't even know guinea pig for your practice, right?

Dr. Francis Koe 15:39
Yeah, I, you know, wanted to see if it was gonna work. And they said within 48 hours, you know, 24, you'll start to feel better. And in 48, you feel a lot better. And it was absolutely true. And I did

Trenton Garmon 15:50
this is a medication, or is this like natural? Is this a natural substance that's under a brand name, or what type of medicine

Dr. Francis Koe 15:58
It's actually an anti parasitic medicine and it's anti inflammatory. So it actually has been used. And there's a website that you can go to to frontline COVID-19, Critical Care Alliance. And they talk about this medicine. But there's and there have been randomized controlled trials on it, comparing it and using it in in different ways. And

Trenton Garmon 16:20
for the listeners, ivermectin, you may want to ask your physician if you've tested positive for COVID. And are considering not having the vaccine or considering it. And having this been a supplemental way of treating your COVID diagnosis I V E R M E C T I N is the name of the medication.

Dr. Francis Koe 16:37
So the problem is that it's also used for horses, and there have been people who have gotten it from Tractor Supply Company. And you do not want to use that you've got to make sure you get the correct dose for your body weight. So doctors are aware of it. And but I have used it in several of my patients. And it seems to have been effective so far. So it really helped me. But we also recommend vitamin D, there's actually a protocol, which includes vitamin D, most of our vitamin D levels aren't high enough.

Trenton Garmon 17:10
Yeah, that was my next question. This study that was pushed out by the University of Virginia School of Medicine, said that they put patients on between 20,060 1000 units of vitamin D, they saw a significant decrease of the people are tested positive. And we're required to be put on a ventilator, versus those who were not following a vitamin D treatment regimen. So you're recommending, I guess, the 1000 units per pound? Is that how that works?

Dr. Francis Koe 17:38
Well, I typically tell people, most we check their levels, and depending on what their level is, I say 5000 international units or 10,000. I take 10,000 because for I work in a building a lot, and for whatever reason, I don't absorb it as well. And it takes a lot for me to get my levels up to between 40 and 60. And these are these actual or injured or not injected. No. So I'm not in a hospital setting. I'm in a you know, I'm in a clinical setting. So we just I recommend oral vitamin D to most of my patients. It's very easy to take that you can take it with kaitou which actually helps an older people to absorb it better and sometimes magnesium so somebody really struggled. You know there are recommendations along those lines. So talk to your physician Don't take my recommendations, but talk to your physician. Sure. The other thing that we recommend to people is to take zinc once they get sick I don't typically you can do that prophylactically but 50 milligrams of zinc a day and then once once somebody is sick we've been giving melatonin which is also helps with the immune system significantly

Trenton Garmon 18:51
typically for sleep Ron I guess what a lot relax your body more.

Dr. Francis Koe 18:55
Yeah, it is. We build melatonin throughout the day until at nighttime, we have a pituitary gland. And we have we give you know we develop melatonin as as the day goes on. And so this but it does help with the immune system. There's a lot of things some of our hormones do. They don't just do one thing necessarily. They do several Sure. And so melatonin has also been used. We've done that in the nursing home and with some of our patients. And then the last thing that we typically recommend or one of another thing we recommend is vitamin C.

Trenton Garmon 19:32
And that's part of this study that was done by the University of Virginia, vitamin D, vitamin C zinc, and I'm not sure how to pronounce this, but it's another vitamin qu e or C etn.

Dr. Francis Koe 19:45
Yeah, of course,

Trenton Garmon 19:46
we're certain.

Dr. Francis Koe 19:47
Yes, and we have actually given that as well to nursing home patients.

Trenton Garmon 19:51
We talked to

Dr. Francis Koe 19:53
start it comes along with the frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance FL CCC also recommends those same things including

Trenton Garmon 20:03
the frontline critical Caroline's is that a private group of physicians that are gathering information from a natural perspective? Is this a government website that puts out information or what is it?

Dr. Francis Koe 20:16
It is, It is not a government web website that I'm aware of. It's a it's I'm not exactly sure it's a group of physicians that are have done the some of the research to share. It's actually kind of a news outlet for COVID.

Trenton Garmon 20:35

Dr. Francis Koe 20:35
and some of these alternative therapies. So they actually put on their website, things like the interview that was done with Dr. Pierre Cory, in the Senate. And, you know, tell us about that people updated.

Trenton Garmon 20:56
Yeah, we were talking about that over the break. This was an interview with a physician that's talking about vaccines, and COVID.

Dr. Francis Koe 21:05
He was actually talking about ivermectin and the benefits of ivermectin that they've used over the last several months.

Trenton Garmon 21:11
So that's your recommendations ivermectin and one of these four vitamins, if not all four of them for your COVID prevention. And if someone's been diagnosed with COVID, is that correct?

Dr. Francis Koe 21:22

Trenton Garmon 21:22
And you brought up we did briefly, in the break there about informed consent. Do you believe at this point that, ethically speaking, a physician can give their patient informed consent? I mean, there's just a myriad of information out there, there's information discredit them, and you brought up and one month time period, you had six tests, and two were positive and four were negative. And this is not on someone else. This is on you. That, you know, you can look and evaluate yourself and kind of be your own lab rat there. But what is your your take on informed consent and the legal duty the position hasn't some of the concerns that patients probably have that their doctor and they them, he or she is the patient working through what's in their best interest. And physicians are only given information that big farm gives them big farms only give them information that they know from the clinical studies, and those have been proven time and time again, to not always be credible, or be framed up in a way that makes something look more safe and effective than it is. What do you think about informed consent? I mean, you're you're a physician, what would you say to some of the younger colleagues that you have, as they're wading through then advise on their patience?

Dr. Francis Koe 22:31
Well, you've got two issues there about testing and the vaccine. But as far as informed consent goes, you, you know, I can only give them the the information that I have. And, you know, it is they're still giving vaccine, whether we give 100% informed consent, you know, with Operation work speed, there's little, I don't know, legally, what can be done, but I tell people, you know, and they they read it on on the news some of the time, but we tell people, we don't know how well this vaccine will cover you. For the most part, there haven't been any severe. repercussions from taking it unless it's an allergic reaction. And there are always allergic reactions to things like vaccines. Long term, we don't know what the vaccine does, you know, that harms people. And in the short term, we've already seen very few allergic reactions.

Trenton Garmon 23:28
I wish we could talk for hours. It's so fun to hear different people's perspective. Dr. Koe thank you for being on with us. I'm sorry that we don't have more time to talk but I appreciate your candor and your perspective. This is attorney Trenton GarmOn with I Heart Radio and Gfile news. We thank you for joining us we'll be back. Next week, same time we will be talking through the stimulus package had Dr. Koe here. Share with us her experience with some of the COVID testing and whether truly informed consent can be obtained. If you're patient seek out the advice of your doctor and we look forward to maintaining a public interest and civil rights news flow to you in this is Trenton GarmOn hope you have a wonderful new year.

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