Okay have you ever thought to yourself; " Sexuality work is amazing and relationship work is cool but its not super high on my priority list".  Well, let me blow your mind and share with you why it should be on the TOP of your priority list.  
I share all the incredible ways of how you can do the work in really small ways and big ways that have an impact on your whole life. You also get an intimate sneak peak of what it looks like in a coaching container and learn about some of the strange things you might have not thought about that impact your sexuality.  If you listen all the way to the end I also share how I went from complete shut down and disconnection to feeling like I am thriving in my sex and relationships.  
This is such a great episode if you feel like you have never worked on your sex and relationships or have been putting working on your sex and relationships off.  

xo The Pussy Fairy

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