If you want to know what that thing is thats often blocking you from greater pleasure + intimacy, or what that thing is that totally stops you from doing the things you KNOW would be the game changer in your sex life... tune in. We all have this  in one area of our lives or more. When it comes to sex and relationships; I see this one come up ALOT. In this episode I share what that thing is and all the practical ways you can overcome this. If you want to learn how to understand what happens in your body, who the hell is stopping you from bigger orgasms or better communication in your relationship, if you wanna finally catch the villain of your relationship that stops you from doing the things that will mov the needle forward in your relationship tune in.  You won't wanna miss out on the fucking gems I drop in here for you!  You'll walk away  with so much insight on your internal cockblocker :P 
xo The Pussy Fairy
PS: Grab the guided pussy massage I spoke about in this episode here https://www.azariamenezes.com/shop/make-her-purrr

If you want to create deeper intimacy NOW, go grab the 14 days to hotter intimacy E-book
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