You want more orgasms? This episode will give you everything you need to know! Allow The Pussy Fairy to blow your mind, because I'm about to tell you the opposite about everything you may have learned orgasms to be. 
I dropped all the goodies in this one, and you might be surprised at how much is possible for you after listening to this episode alone. You are ready to take your orgasms a step deeper or maybe even experience your orgasm for the first time? I would not miss out on this episode. I share all the different ways you can orgasm, what it takes to expand your orgasm, what anatomy has to do with all of this and even have a mini orgasmic experience for you mid chat.  So if you want to know what all the fuss around orgasms is all about and you're ready to look at all the ways you can be part of the fuss because it's not just limited to specific folks. NOPE you can have your cake and eat it too! 
 Grab your cup of coffee or tea, pull on those fuzzy socks, or tackle that laundry pile and tune in  for a dose of Pussy Fairy Tea. 
xo The Pussy Fairy
PS: Grab the guided pussy massage I spoke about in this episode here

If you want to create deeper intimacy NOW, go grab the 14 days to hotter intimacy E-book
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