If you've ever wanted to hear stories about my sex life after having a baby here you have it! I was invited on the Parent Tell podcast and I'm pretty sure my most awkward post-baby sex story lives on that podcast and now I'm letting you hear it. Kaila and I  talk about all the ups and down's that come with the changes of kids + small babies in particular.   
Parent Tell shared:  "Azaria highlights the importance of honouring your body's wants and needs, whatever they may be, while getting creative with what it means to be intimate with your partner. Because yes, since you've become a parent you are short on time, patience, energy, you name it. But that doesn't mean that your love life should suck."  - True dat. 
Whether  you just gave birth, are about to, have a small child or even curious about all my funny stories.... tune in. I promise you.. you'll leave with a lot of gems some that will change the way you view sex after having a baby, some that will definitely make the journey easier and some that will inspire you to feel empowered and bad ass! 

Be sure to follow the podcast on Instagram  of Parent Tell !  You can also find the episode here on their platform https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-parent-tell-74761269/episode/the-roller-coaster-that-is-sex-85652264/

xo The Pussy Fairy

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