Have you ever wondered how traditional Chinese medicine can support fertility and conception? Maybe you're just starting your conception or fertility journey and you want some easy and practical ways to invite more intimacy and knowledge into baby making. 

I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with Dr. Denise Wiesner DACM, L. Ac.,  founder of the Natural Healing and Acupuncture Clinic in West Los Angeles to chat about all the ways we can support our bodies and sex life during conception + the fertility journey. Dr. Denise Wiesner is  an internationally recognized traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, specializing in the Whole Systems Chinese medicine approach to women’s health, sexuality, and fertility. 

Author of Conceiving With Love: A Whole-Body Approach to Creating Intimacy, Reigniting Passion and Increasing Fertility.

Please follow me on instagram: @denisewiesnerlac



If you want to create deeper intimacy NOW, go grab the 14 days to hotter intimacy E-book
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*Disclaimer: By listening to this podcast  you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating. 
The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions. Anything said should NOT be taken as a replacement for medical, clinical, professional advice, diagnosis, or medical intervention. If you take any action or inaction as a result of any of the content you consume  on this Podcast, this is based solely on your decision, and Azaria Menezes and her guests cannot be held liable for any of the consequences of such action or inaction.
This podcast represents the opinions of Azaria Menezes and also the opinions of her guests to the show.