Don't listen to this if you don't want to know what could happen at a kinky birthday party! Meg and I sit down for a slightly chaotic and engaging chat about a juicy event I hosted for Meg's kinky birthday. Meg shared their favourite and sexiest moments from the party, what it was like to be spanked, teased and worshipped  and you may or may not find out what big role honey plays into all of this.  If you have ever been curious what could be possible at this type of event, tune in. We discuss how consent, communication, preparation and intention can set a really good foundation for yummy and delicious experiences!  Do I drop some bombs about  cake sitting fetishes, my Domme work and all the kinky contraptions I have in my house... ? I don't know you'll have to find out you curious little cat. 

Meg Froehler is a Métis, queer, gender fluid, photographer who specializes in creating safe spaces for her subjects to discover self empowerment and to witness themselves in a new light. They love to work in the realms of kink, sexual health, queer weddings and motherhood. You can find them on Instagram @meg.froehler and they are open to inquiries at [email protected]