Feeling triggered, activated, or feeling like your nervous system is taking you for a ride can be overwhelming. I know personally how  scary it can feel to be in  this state of  activation.  The more tools we have to support our nervous systems to find back to balance the better.   Tune into this guided  support to invite some calm back into your nervous system.  Let's regulate together.  
You're not alone.  Remember: if you feel like you can't self regulate always, always reach out to your support systems (friends/family/professionals)  
 xo The Pussy Fairy

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 Subscribe to my email list for a juicy gift at  https://www.azariamenezes.com/your-pussy-is-a-portal-to-healing  or come find me on Instagram @azaria.menezes and say Hi. I'd love to  hear your questions so I can answer them on future episodes! 

*Disclaimer: By listening to this podcast  you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating. 
The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions. Anything said should NOT be taken as a replacement for medical, clinical, professional advice, diagnosis, or medical intervention. If you take any action or inaction as a result of any of the content you consume  on this Podcast, this is based solely on your decision, and Azaria Menezes and her guests cannot be held liable for any of the consequences of such action or inaction.
This podcast represents the opinions of Azaria Menezes and also the opinions of her guests to the show.