Aaron Frankel is the host of the In The Rabbit Hole, a weekly, humor-filled survivalist podcast that makes survival sane and approachable. He's the former professional sidekick and marketing director to eight-time bestselling author, Neil Strauss.



What would you do in a disaster situation, or if you realized that your streets were lined with zombies? Most of us wouldn't be prepared, but with Aaron's tips, we have a chance of survival. Even the impossible does happen and there are ways that we can be prepared for anything.


We Discuss:

The essential tools and weapons that you need to have. The best practices for self-defense, and knowing how to use them. The immersive experiences that will get you prepared for anything. Resources that can help in a disaster, or even when you're just going for a hike.



In The Rabbit Hole podcast

The Game by Neil Strauss

Emergency by Neil Strauss

Spot satellite phone

MSR SweetWater


CAP - Civil Air Patrol

Spy Escape and Evasion

iTriage App

The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker

98.6 Degrees by Cody Lundin

On Combat by Lieutenant Dave Grossman

On Killing by Lieutenant Dave Grossman

What to Do When the Shit Hits the Fan by Dave Black

The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse by Lauren Wilson

The Idiot's Guide to Foraging by Mark Vorderbruggen

100 Deadly Skills by Clint Emerson

The Human Path

onPoint Tactical

Custom AK Rifles & AK 47 Course

Ultimate Spy Week



1) Always be safe! You should only use tools and weapons that you have been trained in. If you invest in a weapon, invest in the training to properly use it as well.

2) When building your bug-out bag, focus on the absolute basics-72 hours worth of clothing, a hygiene kit, medications, and a personal information pack is a good start.

3) Find a responsible friend or family member that you can rely on to check in with you. When you go into the wilderness, always give them your plans and time you expect to be back by.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!



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