Michael Morelli is the founder of Morellifit, a health and wellness organization that has created a line of nutritional supplements and fitness programs, including HIIT MAX, which is all about high intensity interval training. After hitting rock bottom and going through a personal transformation, he sought out to learn from the best in the industry, completing 5 fitness certifications in under 6 months. Combining that knowledge with real world training, Michael has helped to change thousands of lives through proper fitness and nutrition.



Going through a personal transformation is never easy, but Michael Morelli makes it simple by taking the guesswork out of becoming healthier. After going through his own success story, he turned the negative experience of divorce and bankruptcy into earning six figures in one month while helping others to combat obesity.

We Discuss:

Why 15-20 minutes of HIIT burns more fat than an hour or more of walking, or even jogging. Eating foods in their natural state, and the diets that actually work. Going on a spiritual journey to heal your soul and change your mindset. How to become more aware, so that you can control and change bad habits.





Morellifit on YouTube

Primal Body

Hiit MAX

Custom Nutrition

Headspace app

Grind Coffee

Shaahin Cheyene on The Optimized Geek


Voice Memos App




The Untethered Soul

The Power of Now

Byron Katie on The Optimized Geek

Michael on instagram

Michael on Twitter

Michael on Snapchat



1) The first step is to make small, positive changes. Just get moving in any way you can, whether that is a 15 minute HIIT workout, or going for a walk around your neighborhood.

2) Work on changing habits that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Be aware of what you do in stressful situations, and try to create positive habits around those feelings.

3) You don’t have to choose a one-size-fits-all diet to become healthier. Choose foods that are in their natural state, such as organic vegetables, fruits, and lean meats-or, use Custom Nutrition for a personalized plan.



As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!


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