A sound sleep/bedtime routine is key to having a great night rest! We all know that optimizing sleep is the number 1 principle to living an optimal life. Here are some of my favorite habits that I have been implementing in the evening to optimize my sleep.

- Switch off your electronic devices and stay away from phones, tablets or computers at least an hour before bed. If you have to be on a device wear blue blocking glasses.

- 10-20 minutes of meditation either in bed or right before bed is a great way to settle down and separate your day activities from your night activities.  

- Read a book instead of watching TV

- Create a cool, dark sleep sanctuary (turn air down to 60-67 degrees F)  

- Take a lukewarm shower 60-90 minutes before bed. Steam will act as a natural decongestant helping you breathe easier at night 

- Stop eating or drinking too close to bedtime (3 hours before bed) This will allow your digestive system ample time to break down food before bed.  

Bonus tip - Don't let your dogs sleep on your bed! As much as we love our dogs it makes for a better sleep to not get disrupted from our furry friends.

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