What if I told you that you are sitting on a potent energy elixir that costs nothing and is all natural? You would probably think I am crazy. :)

Intermittent Fasting can help you use your own body stores (sugar and fat) to create more energy for yourself and your body can finally catch a break and spend less energy digesting and metabolizing calories. Of all the energy your body expends in a day, as much as 30% of that energy might be used on digesting food! Noradrenaline levels are increased so that we have plenty of energy to go get more food. For example, 48 hours of fasting produces a 3.6% increase in metabolic rate, not the dreaded metabolic ‘shut-down’.

Do you ever feel that crash after lunch time and end up falling asleep at your desk or in that meeting??

When you are eating most of the day your blood sugar and insulin levels will go up and down like a roller coaster!


Could it be that eating 5-6 times a day is the greatest marketing sales pitch in the diet world today? I think so!

The bodybuilding/supplement/food companies want you to think that you need to buy more protein powder, bars, shakes, portioned out food etc. to help speed up your metabolism and give you energy because you might wither away if you don't have something every couple hours. :)

Bottom Line: No one affiliated with a dieting/food company will promote fasting as a way for weight loss or more energy, right!?!

I find the days that I fast I have more energy and alertness. Also, I have more time in the morning to do more productive things (meditate, work out, yoga...etc...) and not have to rush out to work like a crazy man.

It’s possible that you might experience some fatigue and grogginess during the first few days or a week, while your body adjusts to this new way of fueling. Give it a few weeks, and odds are you’ll be delighted by how energized, light, focused and productive you feel.

Check out the 21 Day Fasting Challenge if you want some guidance into intermittent fasting!

If you love the Get Lean Eat Clean Podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, rate, and give a review on iTunes. Until next time!


Watch Get Lean Eat Clean podcast video episodes on YouTube!


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