"How do I get Abs?" 

As a fitness trainer/health coach, it's the #1 question I get from my clients!!

Most people think their abs will suddenly appear doing sit ups/crunches!! Not so much...

How about doing steady state cardio?! That won't help much either.

In a 6 month study, subjects did 50 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 5 days a week, and lost no more weight than those who dieted only. 1In a 3 month study, women exercised at 78% of their max heart rate for 45 minutes, 5 days a week and lost no more weight than those who dieted alone! 2Contrary to what many people believe, you won’t burn an appreciable amount of fat, either. Exercisers in a 2009 study conducted by researchers at Queensland University of Technology in Australia who did steady-state cardio five times a week for 12 weeks lost only 7 pounds on average — and nearly half of them lost less than 2 pounds. Steady-state cardio is also repetitive.Try sprinting a couple times a week! You can complete a sprint workout in 15 to 20 minutes, and as such, it’s more time-effective than jogging or biking for an hour. Plus, you burn fat, build lean muscle, and improve your cardiovascular system, all in one. Sprints are an anaerobic exercise; this means that they will trigger muscle building, increasing the size and strength of the powerful, fast-twitch fibers. Studies show sprinting can enhance protein synthesis pathways by as much as 230 percent! Sprint as fast as you can on the spot for 20 to 30 seconds, rest for 60 seconds, repeat 4 to 8 times. (100 meters)  

Resistance training has many benefits - 

better muscle tone,increased insulin sensitivity of muscles 3increased VO2 max (maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense exercise)more strengthstronger bone density andimproved mental health

But in order to help get that six pack or show some abs it's 80%...

What you eat - certain foods tend to raise insulin more than others and

When you eat - this topic is virtually ignored throughout obesity/weight loss literature both on the internet and in academic journals.

Here are some more tips to help get you that 6 pack…

Eat whole unprocessed foods (veggies, some fruit and foods that expire within a week)Stay away from refined foods/sugars (pastries, sodas, desserts, cereals...etc... :)Avoid artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame K, saccharin, stevia, and cyclamate)Stress less (meditate or yoga),Sleep more (prepare for bed by avoiding your phone/computer at least an hour before bedtime)Use Intermittent FastingStop eating at 7PMAvoid alcoholDrink water instead of soda (add a touch of Sea Salt)Don't snack between whole-food meals

If this list is overwhelming pick one thing and stick to it until it becomes a habit and then move on to the next one.

It 's not going to happen overnight but taking these steps will get you on your way!

If you love the Get Lean Eat Clean Podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, rate, and give a review on iTunes. Until next time!


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