Chronic cardio describes a pattern of overly stressful cardiovascular workouts that last for too long and are conducted too frequently, with insufficient rest periods in between.

Chronic exercisers compromise their general health, weight loss goals, and longevity by doing too much too often and ignoring the importance of rest. 

For many dedicated fitness enthusiasts who tend toward chronic exercise patterns, conducting workouts that are easier, shorter, and less frequent can lead to fitness and health improvements.

My workouts have gone from 1 hour to a focused 20-minute workout with the X3 Bar of one dedicated set to fatigue. The focus is more about time under tension and less about hammering out fast reps / sets. It has been easier on my joints and has helped me build muscle without being chronically sore.

To counteract the dangers of sedentary living, move more frequently, avoid prolonged periods of stillness during the workday, and add more movement, such as a 10 to 15-minute walk after meals to regulate the insulin response and help with digestion.

Conduct the majority of your exercise in the fat-burning aerobic heart rate zone of 180-age or below. Low-level aerobic conditioning maximizes fat burning during the workout and throughout the rest of the day. Aerobic exercise also strengthens bones, joints, and connective tissues and boosts the immune system with a cascade of anti-aging hormones.

Occasionally exercising above this aerobic heart rate zone and into the predominantly glucose-burning anaerobic heart rate zone (up to 90 percent of maximum heart rate, but no need to exceed that) can be beneficial. High-intensity exercise, such as that inspired by sprint workouts, promotes optimal gene expression and closely mimics the movements of our Primal ancestors.

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