In this episode, we’re finally going to answer the age-old question that we probably get asked just as much as anything and, until this point, there’s never been a direct, straightforward answer to.  The question: “Which platform should I choose for launching my campaign—Indiegogo or Kickstarter?”  The answer might surprise you…


⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:

 1. Evaluate your project’s suitability for rewards-based crowdfunding before choosing a platform, which is currently either Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

 2. Indiegogo will both treat creators better and support creators actively, whereas Kickstarter will demand higher standards that please backers and earn their trust.

 3. Identical projects will always raise money significantly better on Kickstarter than on Indiegogo, as hard data proves, enough that some failing campaigns will enjoy success merely by transitioning platforms from Indiegogo to Kickstarter.

 4. Unless comparative statistics change dramatically, always campaign on Kickstarter if possible, and Indiegogo only as a backup option.

 5. If your campaign succeeds on Kickstarter, then consider transitioning afterward to Indiegogo InDemand to raise additional pledges until fulfillment.

✍️ Click here for this episode’s complete show notes!


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