In this episode, we are going to show you how you can capitalize on Kickstarter’s more powerful tool—perhaps their most powerful tool—the Kickstarter algorithm…


⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:

 1. Pre-launch marketing (including mobilizing one’s personal contacts) can greatly boost a project’s popularity rankings on its launch day.

 2. Kickstarter’s Trending (or Popular) page ranks campaigns primarily on recent backers-per-day, but also on other factors like conversion rates, video embeds, and video plays, but not on funds raised.

 3. Kickstarter’s Magic algorithm is its default way to sort projects; it seemingly depends upon many complicated factors, and is highly volatile.

 4. Kickstarter’s Projects We Love include campaigns that have found favor with one of Kickstarter’s many employees, and this subjective status can sometimes attract tens-of-thousands of dollars in additional pledges.

 5. Higher rankings increase platform visibility, which draws more “organic” traffic, which synergizes with traffic from marketing to magnify pledges.

 6. Facebook ads are easier to optimize and/or scale than Google ads.

 7. Most crowdfunding backers are not first-timers but have backed other projects previously.

✍️ Click here for this episode’s complete show notes!


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