In this episode, we are going to talk about goal-setting. Zach has spent a lot of time reading about goals, and so has Thomas; in fact, Thomas focused some of his Master’s Degree studies on goal-setting. But, today, we aren’t going to talk about what the academics, PhDs, or pundits say; instead, we are going to show you how Zach and Thomas actually set and achieve goals for their own personal and business lives to reach the success that they’ve had, and how you can do it, too.


⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:

 1. We should set goals not only on special occasions but regularly, and not merely for business but for all aspects of our lives.

 2. We can’t control everything, but we should accept responsibility for what’s within our stewardship, set goals to improve it as best as we can, and exercise faith in our ability to do so.

 3. Goals should be lofty but achievable, “stretching” us without overwhelming us, and can be divided into a series of smaller objectives.

 4. Goals should not be abstract thoughts but concrete statements in physical form that involve doing something measurable for specific people for specific reasons by a specific deadline.

 5. We achieve our goals better whenever we render ourselves accountable not only to ourselves but also to others for achieving them, especially as we review/report our progress regularly (perhaps as part of a morning routine) with those to whom we are accountable.

 6. We should set goals according to timeless universal principles, but also customized to our own individual personalities.

 7. We shouldn’t demand immediate perfection at both setting and achieving our goals, but should persistently both reevaluate and improve our habits over time.

✍️ Click here for this episode’s complete show notes!


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