Do you feel like you never have any free time? You’re already busy and you can’t imagine how you have any extra time to exercise, work on a side hustle, read, or have a morning routine. Every day you feel busy, but you also feel like you’re not getting anything productive done. You just wish […]

Do you feel like you never have any free time? You’re already busy and you can’t imagine how you have any extra time to exercise, work on a side hustle, read, or have a morning routine.

Every day you feel busy, but you also feel like you’re not getting anything productive done.

You just wish you had more time.

What you have to understand is that you’re not going to suddenly have free time. Even if you do find yourself with free time, you’re going to fill it with something easy like checking Facebook, watching TV, or doing unproductive busy work.

If that is you, you have to approach it a different way.

I’ve learned that if I wanted to get anything done, I had to make time for it. It had to be done around the same time every day so that I wouldn’t question when i do it.

Because when you come home from a long day at work, have dinner with the family, and put the kids to bed you’re going to be exhausted. When faced with what to do, it’s going to be so easy to turn on the TV and find something to watch.

However if you’ve scheduled that time to work on your side hustle for an hour, then that’s what you have to stick with. That is your time and it’s your choice what you’re going to do.

I talk more about why it’s important to make time to get things done and not rely on being motivated.

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