If I asked you what you truly wanted in life, you’d likely say to be happy. Plain and simple. All our lives, we have been led to believe that there is a formula for success, and that happiness is the reward. For half of my 20’s and into my early 30’s, all I wanted was […]

If I asked you what you truly wanted in life, you’d likely say to be happy. Plain and simple.

All our lives, we have been led to believe that there is a formula for success, and that happiness is the reward.

For half of my 20’s and into my early 30’s, all I wanted was to be happy. I wanted a job I loved. I wanted to be happy when I woke up and when I went to bed.

I thought happiness would ultimately come when I could quit my job. So I tried to figure out a new career path or find a job that interested me or make money online. If I could just get the result I wanted, then I would finally be happy. 

It never happened. I never found the answer. I never got the result I wanted and therefore I never was happy.

I didn’t know at the time, but I had it all backwards.

In today’s podcast episode, I talk about what finally got me unstuck in life and how I was able to achieves success by first finding happiness within me.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

The reasons why I failed at getting unstuck in life and having success.
Why happiness has to come first in order to have success.
How positivity and optimism affects and improves our quality of life.
Ways to create a positive mindset.

Links mentioned:

The Happiness Advantage book on Amazon
Shawn Achor TED talk


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