Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. – George Washington Carver What excuses do you constantly tell yourself? I’m willing to bet some of them are mentioned in this podcast episode. When you have an excuse, what you are doing is immediately telling your brain to stop being unrealistic […]

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. – George Washington Carver

What excuses do you constantly tell yourself? I’m willing to bet some of them are mentioned in this podcast episode.

When you have an excuse, what you are doing is immediately telling your brain to stop being unrealistic and go back to being realistic without even trying.

The excuses you tell yourself have so much power over you, but when you get a closer look at the excuses, you realize they’re not that powerfull. They just act to scare you from getting out of your comfort zone and succeed the majority of the time.

It’s time to stop letting excuses prevent you from living your dreams.

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.  – Benjamin Franklin

After listening to today’s episode, I want you to stop saying these six excuses because they’re only made to hold you back.

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