I know we all look for that one piece of advice that changes everything for us. We read so many quotes, articles, and books but nothing ever makes a difference. When I look back at how I was able to change my life, one piece of advice helped tremendously. I am confident if I didn’t […]

I know we all look for that one piece of advice that changes everything for us. We read so many quotes, articles, and books but nothing ever makes a difference.

When I look back at how I was able to change my life, one piece of advice helped tremendously. I am confident if I didn’t follow it, I would be stuck in my old life.

Here is what else I cover in this episode:

My failed online business attempts
Why I created a website about Twilight the movie (not my best moment)
What JK Rowling said about hitting rock bottom and how it helped her
What specific changes helped me get better results
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Why you should go on a media diet
How a morning routine setup
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
Get Busy Living in 30 – teaching you the core fundamentals to success


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