I remember the first time I went to the doctor because of the anxiety I was experiencing. 


At the time, I didn’t even know it was anxiety. 


All I knew was I felt out of my body. Like I was going to die at times.


I was handed a sample of prescription medication for anxiety at age 19.


I didn’t get asked questions like:

-How is life at home?

-Do I feel love and support in my life?

-Am I sleeping well?

-What kinds of foods am I eating?

-Do I move my body? 


My intuition was calling me to dig deeper. 


To get to the WHY behind the anxiety I was experiencing. 


I felt a deep-knowing that there was more for me than living my life just “managing” that level of anxiety. (and guess what? There is more for you too.)


Since then, I am so grateful to have found aligned doctors, therapists and coaches.


On today’s Mindful Minisode I share the work I did to get to the ROOT cause of the anxiety I was experiencing every day. 


I share what changes I made to stop having multiple panic attacks a day, to stop demonizing my body and to learn to trust.




Mentioned in this episode:

Self-Love Notes - https://www.getahelmet.co/imin




The Circle is a private community of women on their healing journey who are actively stepping out of fear and into their worth. As a member of the Get A Helmet Circle you get access to a Netflix-esque library of practices like meditations, visualizations, breath work, somatic movement and embodiment. We meet once a month for a live Full Moon Dance Rituals and twice a month for live group empowerment sessions. 


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Come hang with us on IG: @getahelmet_ 


Or drop into my inbox if you want more info about my offerings: [email protected]