In this episode we talk to Matthew Boyle, who started learning Mandarin Chinese thanks to an administrative error in his Arabic class registration at university. In 2011, he moved from the East Coast of the United States to Southern China and started to “play with the language” immediately.


Matthew has progressed from learning Mandarin Chinese to making games via his company,  Language Card Games, to help others learn to use the language in a social and interesting way. In this conversation, Matthew shares his experience with tones, language teachers, phrases to use as a vegetarian in China and so much more. And it’s an exciting time for Language Card Games  and for you as Mandarin Chinese language learners because Matthew plans to release Chinese Champions 3, Othertongue 3, and Language Guardians 2 in 2019.

If you like this episode, feel free to 

A special audio thanks to Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting. Without him the audio of this episode would have made you (and me and everyone else) want to cry.

Links to things mentioned in this episode:

-The Changing Scripts YouTube review of Language Card Games   

-Matt’s Language Card Games websiteYouTube channel ,  Twitter account and subreddit community page

-Vegetarian Mandarin Chinese phrases

-Japanese F and H sounds

- Chinese character TV reality show, 中国汉字听写大会; (pinyin: Zhōngguó hànzì tīngxiě dàhuì)

-Chinese language reading YouTube videos, here’s an example

-YouTube videos on opening toy eggs: this one has 15 million views!

 You can follow all of our projects here:

Would love to know what you think about this episode! Twitter,Instagram,LinkedIn,YouTube & Speakpipe (leave a voice message)

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Music courtesy of Damon Castillo,"I Hope You Figured It Out" song on the "Mess of Me" album

This episode was created with:

My microphones, Samson Q2U
Remote video software, Zoom
Auphonic, free online leveling software
Podbean hosting site: Get 1 month free,

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