In this episode we talk to Matthew Boyle, who started learning Mandarin Chinese thanks to an administrative error in his Arabic class registration at university. In 2011, he moved from the East Coast of the United States to Southern China and started to “play with the language” immediately.

Since then, he has progressed from learning Mandarin Chinese to making games so other people can learn the language with his company,  Language Card Games ( . In this conversation, Matthew shares his experience with tones, language teachers, phrases to use as a vegetarian in China and so much more. ​

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In this episode we talk to Matthew Boyle, who started learning Mandarin Chinese thanks to an administrative error in his Arabic class registration at university. In 2011, he moved from the East Coast of the United States to Southern China and started to “play with the language” immediately.
Since then, he has progressed from learning Mandarin Chinese to making games so other people can learn the language with his company, Language Card Games. In this conversation, Matthew shares his experience with tones, language teachers, phrases to use as a vegetarian in China and so much more. ​


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