Many people say that working on your creative project every day is the only way to achieve success, whatever that is (well, that is an entirely other episode topic, that’s what that is). But is it realistic for us to write every day (Summer) or produce podcasting content every day (Steph)? In this episode we grapple with the scheduling aspects of our creative process: is consistency the thing that makes or breaks creative success? What we have done before, what worked before and what we might try in the future are some of the things we cover. But at the heart of it all is a disease in our creative comfort zone.


To be honest, I (Steph) have been working on my podcasts nearly every day for over two years. This consistency is fueled by 1. an annoyance of gatekeepers in other media not “letting” me publish these ideas before now and 2. a huge desire to make sense of my very messy and un(financially)successful life. But 2 years and 4 podcasts in and I am, in a word, tired. On the other side of the consistent fence is Summer. She wants some of Steph’s consistency in her own writing endeavors but is struggling with deciding what to write about. Steph wants to relax and slow down and Summer wants more writing consistency and gain creative and output momentum. So basically, the creative grass is always greener.


Rabbit Holes:

Summer: hotels in France

Steph: GTD: Get Things Done system

Helpful video:


Creative terminology/ideas to emerge from this episode:

(none in this episode)



-The Creative Curve by Allen Gannett,

-Bullet journals:



“When is your inner passion not enough to keep going with it?” -Summer


“I got much more careful when it was other people’s souls that I was playing with in audio form.” -Steph


And a big thank you to Alex of Kwick Lights ( for recording our snazzy new intro/outro jingles! T

Producer, Host, Editor: Stephanie Fuccio:

Geopats YouTube channel:

This podcast was created with (affiliate links):

Streamyard for recording, going live, and distributing FULL videos to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube: Buzzsprout for podcast hosting: Acon Digital's DeVerberate to reduce echo: Tube Buddy to optimize YouTube: Stencil for YouTube thumbnail:

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