In August we are spelunking through our creative input and output in a two part episode. This episode is where we are stumbling around in a dark creative cave, trying to figure out how to turn our creative flashlights (creative flow), what spotlight is best (quality), and which tunnel to follow (audience feedback). Was that analogy a step too far (pun intended)? Maybe. But it feels like a lot of this creative talking out of things is such a new skill. Personally, I (Steph) have only really talked to myself about most of these things my entire creative life, so there is a lot of finding my creative vocals in terminology and definity (if that isn’t a word, it should be!) We started with the question: How do you know if you are moving forward and what does that even mean? And went wherever our creative pitch forks took us. In the next episode, coming out the 3rd Friday in August, we approach the light at the end of the tunnel (final product). But wait, is it the outside (success) OR is it another creative spelunker also looking for the exit (recognition and the right audience).


Rabbit Holes:


-Mobile phone options (font size, notifications, font type)

-Audible options with saving audio clips for “Upheaval” by Jared Diamond



Pico Iyer’s Twitter account,

“Everything important takes place somewhere between the grubbiness of deals and the unreality of ideals” from Pico’s Twitter posts 

(Bookish Expats episode where Summer and I talk about his book “The Global Soul”



-Blinkist, book summary app,



“It’s striking me right now that it’s the opposite of photos, when I look at photos from 5 or 10 years ago, I think holy cow, I did not know I looked like that. I actually look a lot better than now. Whereas with the creative process it feels like it’s the opposite, where you don’t know how bad you are

Producer, Host, Editor: Stephanie Fuccio:

Geopats YouTube channel:

This podcast was created with (affiliate links):

Streamyard for recording, going live, and distributing FULL videos to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube: Buzzsprout for podcast hosting: Acon Digital's DeVerberate to reduce echo: Tube Buddy to optimize YouTube: Stencil for YouTube thumbnail:

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