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As an INFP, why do I feel so useless in this world?

If you're someone with the INFP personality type, you may have felt like a bit of an outcast from the moment you were born. The world is a loud place, full of extroverts and people who are willing to be called "popular." It's also a place that values things like logic, efficiency, and success.

If you're an INFP, all of these things can make you feel like there's something wrong with you—and maybe there is! Maybe you're a bit weird. I certainly am. But it doesn't mean there's nothing good about being different from everyone else. Weird and different isn't the same as bad.

INFPs are dreamers and artists—we're the people who make art happen, who create bold new worlds that the world wouldn't otherwise know about. We're often not appreciated for our contributions to society or our approach to LIFE because we don't always fit into a mold or meet expectations—but we've got a lot to offer the world if it'd just give us a chance!

As an INFP, I feel like my life is constantly a race to keep putting out new fires.

I'm always looking for the next thing to do, and I feel like there's never enough time in the day to get it all done. When I was younger, I used to think that this was just because of school—that once I finished my homework and projects, then I could do what I wanted. But as an adult? It's still the same thing. Every day, there are things that need to be done: chores around the house, bills to pay, friends to see if I had more time, and family members to care for. Then there are projects, hobbies, so many games to play that I'll never get to... they're always sizzling and waiting for me to give a little attention so they don't get out of hand and consume me!

It seems like there are just too many things that have to get done before I can even start thinking about what I want out of life. And no matter how much time goes by between one thing ending and another beginning, it just feels like there will never be enough time in any given day.

Do you feel like that too? I used to feel it a lot

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- Personal Transformation Journaling: End the Cycle of Self-Sabotage and Create Lasting Positive Change Through Writing, Reflection and the Parts Work Technique
- Mission: Control: The gamified journal