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In this video, we explore the INTP personality type and why they tend to dislike small talk. While many people may not enjoy small talk, INTPs, in particular, struggle with it due to their dominant function of introverted thinking. This analytical and inquisitive part of their personality makes them question the purpose and relevance of small talk, which can feel like a waste of time and energy.

Additionally, INTPs have extroverted feeling as their inferior function, which can make social interactions and social courtesies challenging for them. This function, which we call the unifying envoy, is responsible for creating harmony and social bonds, which can be at odds with the INTP's analytical and introspective nature.

If you're an INTP or know someone who is, this video can shed some light on why small talk can be difficult for them and how to navigate social interactions more effectively. So join us as we delve deeper into the INTP personality type and why they hate small talk.

#INTP #MBTI #smalltalk #socialstruggles #introvertedthinking #extrovertedfeeling #analyticalthinking #deepconversations #socialanxiety #personalitytype

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