Drew & Natalie Dee are back with more weird facts and bizarre stories. Sub shop rivalries, a milkshake down your shirt, pancakes of the world, the trash bag full of burgers, and, somehow, even more. It’s all in this episode of Garbage Brain University!

The oldest restaurant in the United States is the Union Oyster House, which was started in 1826 in Boston. It wasn’t only a place to eat, but a social hub, and for some time, Louis Phillipe, who would later become the King of France, lived on the second floor. You’ll have to listen to this week’s episode to hear how Drew deals with oysters. It’s not pretty.

The oldest fast food restaurant in America? That would be White Castle, the first of which opened in 1921. Are you a Castle-head? Leave a comment on this newsletter (click the little comment button up top or at garbagebrainuniversity.com) and let us know what you think. We’re partial to a different fast food restaurant, which… you may have noticed already. If you haven’t, Bing it.

Seventeen percent of all food ordered in restaurants goes uneaten. We’ll address the problem of food waste in an upcoming episode, but keep it in mind the next time you go hogwild at a big-portion restaurant. The restaurant can’t do anything with half of your dinner roll, really. At least not when people are, like this lady on Quora suggests, “injecting poison into” their uneaten food. (We don’t think that really happens, but the fact that she’s thinking about it sort of suggests that she might be doing this herself.)

This is the quiz that Natalie gave Drew on this week’s episode. Look at those beautiful game cards! Use two fingers (the Gentleman’s Limit) on your device to zoom into the one card that’s already turned over! Then play the quiz along with Natalie and Drew at home as you listen. Spoiler alert: you can probably beat Drew.

If you haven’t already, follow @NatalieDee on Twitter, especially RIGHT NOW, today, because she’s collecting some responses for an episode we’re recording TONIGHT. You can follow @DrewToothpaste as well, but most importantly, we have another paid episode dropping later this week which you won’t be able to hear without a paid subscription to Garbage Brain University. A paid sub also lets you comment on our episodes and chat with other listeners, so it seems like an obvious move if you’ve gotten this far. Click this old brown button and you’ll be in our inner circle:

Thanks to Substack & The Melvins for the newsletter/pod tech and the theme song! Talk to you again soon!

* drew & natalie

This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.garbagebrainuniversity.com/subscribe

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