This participant is unique in that this was his second chance at selling Keenan. Brian Ring asked for a second shot at selling Keenan and he got it. But did he learn anything from his first coaching run with Keenan? 

Sales calls aren't easy by any means. And while Gap Selling is the key to doing it right, you've got to put in work to learn the craft.

Keenan gets a TON of sales calls all the time, and most of the time, they're not too great. So rather than blowing them off, he decided to start using them as a coaching opportunity.

This is Gap Sell Keenan, where he takes real sales calls. If he likes what they're selling and how they sell it, he'll buy it.

If not, he'll offer his coaching tips to the seller on how they could improve.

Watch a REAL sales training session
Gap Selling Keenan - Learn how to do sales calls RIGHT
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