Not a Cookie Cutter MethodWith the rise of shipageddon, shipping has become about getting products to the customer as safe and quickly as possible.Due to the different mentalities and thought processes of shopping during COVID, many customers choose different methods causing businesses to shift their concerns of shipping.“It's not just a cookie cutter thing where you're doing clothes or a hat or a shirt where you just throw it in a box. What we found is with the batch function on Shippo, we’re able to copy a certain order numbers into the search bar up top, search those and batch print those out, saving us a tremendous amount of time.” -Keith Austria “So many of us buy things online and really don't think about what the business challenges are around operations that make it all work.” -Phillip JacksonAssociated Links:Get connected with Shippo!Check out Decorware. Listen to our other Step by Step seasons.Find our Future Commerce episodes on our website

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