In this episode, The Annuity Man and Martin Parlato discuss: 

Where is inflation Cryptocurrency is a joke How to fix the supply chain What should the government be doing? 


Key Takeaways: 

Where can you see inflation personally affecting your life? Does inflation impact you, or are you just listening to the media too much? The real problem is the huge supply chain issue made worse by the government incentivizing unemployment.  Cryptocurrency isn’t going to save the economy. In fact, when the autopsy is done, you might even find that crypto has a lot to do with it.  The supply chain issue has a simple solution: to get people to work again. People need to make more of everything that we consume.  The smart thing for the government is to stimulate our economy, foster full employment, and try to build up control of industries. They have to stop making decisions that will cause the country to self-destruct. 


"The supply chain is broken. We need somebody to go make more of everything that we consume… more of everything." — Martin Parlato


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