In this episode, The Annuity Man discussed:
Do interest rates affect annuities
How capacity affects annuities
Tuning out the noise of the media
Asking the right questions

Key Takeaways:
Annuity companies watch the Fed, but their decisions don’t drive the train; capacity does. Interest rates do affect annuities a little bit, but it’s not linear.
When annuity companies are getting in more money than they know what to do with or are filling a specific tranche or age range or product that they put out, then they're going to lower those contractual guarantees to not attract more money.
Don’t get fixated on what the media is telling you. Tune out the noise and instead look at the money that you have, see if you can either live off the interest or if you have to convert some of it to a lifetime income stream using as little money as humanly possible.
Nobody can really know where the interest rates are going. You only need to figure out whether the current rates or guaranteed payout levels satisfy the goal of what you’re trying to achieve. If it’s a yes, then pull the trigger.

"Your best bet is to turn the television off, not listening to that nonsense, and just look at the contractual guarantees that are available out there." — Stan the Annuity Man.

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