Summary: For this #fuelweek the topic is fasting. From its historical roots to different implementations of it, we talk about different versions and the benefits of it.

Topics covered. Music we listened to in high school and college. How our week's are going. Lindsay's Thailand elephant story. The history of fasting and the therapeutic use. Reasons for fasting: physical and mental benefits. Social aspects of it. Types of fasting: intermittent, time-restricted eating, and gentle. What breaks a fast?  How do you start? Who is it safe for? And more.

Referrals and Recommendations: Fasting references Lindsay's offered during the episode.
Dr. Dale Bredesen (fasting and chemical-induced Alzheimer's Disease)
Dr. Jason Fung (foods that mimic fasting effects)
Dr. Valter Longo (fasting and longevity)
Click here to get 20% off your purchase of supplements that Lindsay recommends in the show. It is important for us to disclose that Lindsay does get a percentage from each sale made through this link. Lindsay's recommendations are independent of Wellevate, which is only a place to buy products. Wellevate does not influence her recommendations in any way. Only science, research, and clinical experience guide her recommendations.

You can follow Alex on Twitter (@alex_uding)
Lindsay on Twitter (@lindsaymalonerd) or Instagram (@lindsaymalonerd)
Michele on Twitter (@micheleionno) or Instagram (@micheleionno)

Please like our page on Facebook (@fuelmoverecover), subscribe/rate/review the podcast, or subscribe to our youtube channel, and share our stuff on your social media pages.
Our patrons' shout-outs are for Feal Good Foundation, Stark County Sheriff's Office, Task Force Dagger, The Teacher's Desk, Veterans Outdoors, and the Woonsocket Police Department

Enjoy you to everyone who supports us in making this a reality.

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