When  Punam Saxena turned 40, she took a close look at her family medical history which was chalk full of heart disease and diabetes.  Punam was sedentary, and ate a diet which consisted of fast food and colas.  She was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Punam knew that she needed to make some serious changes so she started looking at different ways she could exercise and still be the family super mom.  This is when should found running , 

Puman tells a hilarious story of how she trained and trained for her first 5km race, and was all set to go when her young daughter asked if she could run with her.  Being the great and impowering mom that she was, she put her own ego on the backburner and set out to race with her daughter,  fully prepared to hang back.  What she didn't expect was for her daughter to beat her!  Punam talks about her love of running and how we too can find our joy!  

Punam has her own podcast called Edu-Me podcast, I encourage you to have a listen!