Alexa Crozier and I discuss how living in a codependent relationship was detrimental to our own mental health. 
Alex and I talk openly about previous relationships where we feel we were constantly putting the need of our partner before our own.
This is a tough one to work through, Monica discusses that she is still working through this.

Signs of codependency include (Lancer, 2016; Mental Health America):

Having a hard time saying no;Having poor boundaries;Showing emotional reactivity;Feeling compelled to take care of people;Having trouble communicating honestly;Fixating on mistakes;Feeling a need to always be in a relationship;Denying one’s own needs, thoughts, and feelings;Having intimacy issues;Confusing love and pity;Displaying fear of abandonment.A pattern of unstable personal relationships.Inability to be alone for any extended period.Chronic boredom and emptiness.Self-sacrificing nature.The overwhelming need for love and affection.Control issues.Dishonesty and denial.Low self-worth.

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