Lisa was living a high stressed, go go go lifestyle, this was when disease struck her and she was forced to start from the bottom up.  Lisa talks about mind, body soul connection.

Lisa has incredible insight and gifts to understand what the body needs.  Stress causes disease, and it is only by letting go and nurturing every part of us that allows us to thrive as humans. Lisa takes me through EFT tapping, this allows stress to leave the body.

Lisa has personally overcome chronic pain and illnesses and now her healing journey is helping others.  A combined prescription of lifestyle, nutrition, energetic medicine, herbals & supplements helped immensely. 

Lisa helps people go from Chaos to Clarity, transforming stress, anxiety and overwhelm to Wellbeing, Calm, Clear minds and bodies. 

She has worked towards finding Clarity in her life following the chaos of chronic stress, anxiety and overwhelm which lead her to chronic illness, a car accident glandular fever, Lyme disease, shingles, autoimmunity and a mind and body that left her unable to work, with chronic fatigue, impaired cognition and 40+ symptoms. 

Lisa’s has training in a range of modalities from a Bachelor Business management to Holistic Nutritional therapies, Energetic Health, NLP, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Coaching, Psychoneuroimmunology & Reiki that allow her to support the transformation of her clients to a place of Clarity.

 Find Lisa @