Emma Wookey is a Welsh runner who has has achieved some fantastic performances throughout Wales. Following an injury in 2016, which wrote off the year, Emma turned to multidiscipline sports by adding swimming and cycling to her routine and is now also an experienced triathlete, and was due to take on IronMan Wales this year. 

From coaching, running, winning everything in 2015, injury, triathlons, pool running, covid's impact on kids to making me want to run Snowdon Marathon. We cram a lot into our conversation and it was nice to catch up with Emma again.  

So here we go with episode 34 with Emma Wookey



Music written, created and provided by Forever Vendetta © 
A Front Runner Events Production ©

*Note: This week's episode was recorded during lockdown on the 29th September 2020 via Zoom and in live household environments, so please excuse any background noises. Please also be aware that certain topics discussed may have already been concluded, have different outcomes since the recording of this episode due to the live and fast-moving nature of said topics during lockdown.