Previous Episode: Ep 32: Matt Tooze
Next Episode: Ep 34: Emma Wookey

This week’s episode is with Adrian Monti, a freelance journalist  who works and writes for Runners World and other national newspapers/magazines. I first met Adrian in 2017, the night before he was due to run Swansea Half and then write a review of my race.

We have kept in touch since, so, It was great to catch up and chat with Adrian about all things running, his favourite races, his view of the impact on running magazines and journalists, we reminisce on his visits to Swansea in 2017 and again in 2018, but this time running as part of the world record attempt for most type 1 diabetics running a half marathon (Adrian was diagnosed. with T1 in late 2017) and what the future of running may look like. 

As usual the conversation sometimes goes around the block a little, so here we go with episode of 33 of Front Runner Radio meets Adrian Monti.



Music written, created and provided by Forever Vendetta © 
A Front Runner Events Production ©

*Note: This week's episode was recorded during lockdown on the 23rd September 2020 via Zoom and in live household environments, so please excuse any background noises. Please also be aware that certain topics discussed may have already been concluded, have different outcomes since the recording of this episode due to the live and fast-moving nature of said topics during lockdown.