Which of the 10 fake excuses do you use?

Ever heard this excuse?
"I don't know how to do it" 
It has to be the worst of all excuses.... Obviously you don't know.

You don't start off knowing, No one does!
"Started from the bottom now where here" #LyricalGenius


01:22 - Jeremy's biggest bullshit excuse
01:57 - Sunny's biggest bullshit excuse
03:47 - "I don't know how to do it"
05:09 - "I'm waiting for the right time"
08:21 - "He/she was lucky though, I'm not"
11:58 - "I can't, I'm not good enough"
13:08 - "I'm too young, or too old"
15:19 - "What if I fail?"
17:12 - "What will people think?
19:26 - "Unless I can give 100% I won't start"
20:44 - "It's my genetics / If it wasn't for (Insert Excuse)"
21:20 - "I can't do it without (Object / personality / excuse )"

22:41 - How to overcome the excuses
23:44 - 1. Catch yourself out
24:16 - 2. Analyze successful people's actions
24:32 - 3. Open your mind
25:01 - 4. The excuse block

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