Learn the critical mindset you need to employ at all times, and every minute of the day in order to truly become a magnet of success!

Here are a list of the shownotes
1:48 - What Is a student mindset, Why is it important
7:56 - The Dunny Kruger Effect, The more you know the more you realise you don't know
11:00 - Free and paid platform you can use to learn from today
16:18 - Open minds are success magnets
18:52 - How to filter the right AND wrong information!

21:30 - Action steps
21:43 - 1. Pick Your Interest
21:47 - 2. Commit To Learning
24:04 - 3. Find Google Trends That Interest You
25:05 - 4. Find & Learn Content Related To Google Trends
26:22 - 5. Weekly Evaluation - Have you been committing to your daily learning?

Now Go put it to action!