Just starting a diet, or struggling while on one?! Stop being a silly billy and learn these 7 tips! 

Sunny went from 56kg to almost 100kg of pure mass! and I went from 195kg to 110kg! 

These are important mistakes you can avoid so that dieting isn't harder than it already is! 
1. The All in / All Our Mindset is a trap. 
2. Cook on the go & not meal prep 
3. Buy into the supplement trap 
4. Eat Too damn little (Weightloss) 
5. Diet Jumping 
6. Act on emotion 
7. Eat Prepackaged / Preservative foods 

Remember, everything you do has an outcome either to help you achieve your goal, or turn you away from it! 

Want to be part of the movement! 
Share this video with 2 people struggling with diets and weight-loss! 

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