Playing music, it’s stage 2 of the artist lifecycle, and it plays a massive role in developing you, and unleashing your inner artist, why? because it grows both your audience, and your ability.So what does this mean for you trying to make music your living? Let’s talk about it.

To get anything started, you have take action, you have to get the ball rolling. To be a successful music artist you have to start playing your music. If you’re new this could mean finding some muso’s and having a jam, or it could mean calling a venue and getting that gig booked. If we’ve been through the life cycle of a music artist before, and we’re on round 2. This could mean touring your music, actually playing the songs you’ve recorded to your captive audience.

You’ll achieve two major things by actually playing your music,

You get better, you improve, and you grow. Usually the biggest hurdle with playing your music live is confidence, you can only really gain and develop confidence by doing it, and by gaining experience. You also physically get better at your craft, you become a better musician, you increase your vocal range and your depth of chords.You grow your audience. You build strong connection and deepen the relationship your audience has with your emotion and recorded music. 

Playing music regularly will grow you as an artist, It will grow your skill, your confidence, and your audience.

I create weekly podcast’s just like this one, about doing music for a living as an independent artist,  you can find those on YouTube, and your favourite podcast app.

From Musician To Artist

For enquires about how we could work together on your music head to my website or email me at [email protected]

The podcast episodes are filmed and recorded in my studio, the Dotted Eight Studio. I am passionate about helping artists achieve their goals, and I would love to help you achieve yours.

Intro/outro music - Robbie Mortimer, Mountains & the Sea