In this episode I’m unpacking how we write story into our melody and rhythm. 

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Writing 'Inside the box' episode -

This is the second part of a four part series on songwriting. In the previous episode I looked at an approach to songwriting ‘inside the box’ so that we can make sure our songs effectively carry our story and connect with the listener.

The melody is our tune, it’s the part that usually get’s stuck in our head. We want to make sure our melodies carry our mood, are engaging, have good flow, and provide natural lift and drop where the story needs it. I chat about a few ways we can make sure our melodies achieve this, and how we can set up a checkbox to make sure every future song makes the most of good melody.

The Rhythm carries so much of our feel, but often we just set and forget. Rhythm is broken down into divisions, from whole notes, through to 16th, 32nds, or faster depending on your genre. This episode talks about we can effectively use the different divisions throughout our song to carry the story line, bringing dynamics and movement to our song. Again setting up a checkbox to make sure we implement such movements every time we write.

I create weekly podcast’s just like this one, about doing music for a living as an independent artist,  you can find those on YouTube, and your favourite podcast app.

From Musician To Artist

For enquires about how we could work together on your music head to my website or email me at [email protected]

The podcast episodes are filmed and recorded in my studio, the Dotted Eight Studio. I am passionate about helping artists achieve their goals, and I would love to help you achieve yours.

From Musician To Artist - Spotify Link

Intro/outro music - Robbie Mortimer, Mountains & the Sea